1/1/2021 The Year After

I ignored this website and my writing for most 2020. There were other things that disrupted my thinking.

  1. trump
  2. Covid
  3. Family
  4. The loss of live soccer

There was more, but these things affected me. I remember in March, the first day I was told to work from home, I walked my quarter-mile driveway.

9/11 all over again?

No, but yes. In the grand scheme of things, there was little impact I could do.

So I pruned trees.

My burn pile grew epically over the summer and today may be the best day to burn it. Lots of snow on the ground and little fire hazard.

2021 is a different year, but still the same me. I internalize things, but I think 2020 taught me to move on. Better days will be here if you allow them to be.

So today, the first day of 2021, and I have a blog post. I have stories to tell and media to create. I’m under no impression that on this day in 2022 I have more than this post. But in 19 days, trump won’t be President and in 4 my dad will get a shot of vaccine.

The bar set by 2020 will be overcome in the first month.
